Art Prints

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

"Hunk Of Burning Love" ~ Amy Tuso

6" x 8" canvas
While painting this small canvas, I could hear the late, great Elvis singing "hunka, hunka, burning love!" and the result was this charming beauty that is ready for your table top frame or you could mat and frame it to end up with a larger piece of original art. I've been doing several smaller paintings and also some large ones on free flowing canvas that leaves many options open for display as well as keeping the costs down to the buyer.
Visit my website and step inside the "Free Flowing Canvas" gallery to check these inexpensive original pieces out for yourself.
Now for that piece of "hunka, hunka, burning love...." I'm off to enjoy my creative day.
Amy Tuso ~ Daily Painter of abstract, contemporary, expressionist and intuitive art.