Art Prints

Friday, October 15, 2010

"Dwellings" Texture Vibrant Colors Metallic Cliff Dwellings Southwest Original Acrylic Painting By Daily Painter ~ Amy Tuso

Acrylic Mixed Media

"Dwellings" is my imaginative depiction of a village high on a cliff with canyon walls surrounding the homes in beauty.  Take a few moments and view this painting under magnification for a closer look at the detail and allow your imagination to soak in the colors of the canyon walls of the desert southwest.

The last few weeks have been very healing for me as I looked at my life under magnification without judgement but with His guidance.  The simple act of "being still" and allowing my inner voice to be heard (His guidance) has lead me to answers that I was seeking. 

My personal "Dwelling" ~ mind, body and soul ~ had become cluttered with the rust of others.  I came to realize that it is perfectly fine to "dump" their issues and concentrate on myself, my life, my husband and sacred space.

Accepting the true fact that we cannot "do it" for others is not only freeing to ourselves but empowering to the  people in our lives when they realize they can stand on their own without clinging on in weakness.

I have posted a link to a song "With My Own Two Hands" that I found wonderfully happy...I hope you enjoy it.

Have a blessed day...Amy