It is very late in the day for me to post on my blog but that is because I spent hours with our local judicial system obtaining further protection for my husband, myself and our home after we experienced an home invasion by a drug possessed person this weekend.
I pray daily and within my prayers I always ask to have His white and golden light of love and protection surround me and my loved ones. I give thanks to Him that He did protect us from what could have happened. Although having an intruder break into our home, our sacred space, was terrorizing ... and the many hours of darkness that followed shook us to our core, I am well aware that He was with us. He rallied our friends and neighbors to our side and we got through...tired, frightened, angry and sleepless...but we got through. I will continue my daily practice of pray and gratitude. I will continue to pray for those that are lost, lonely, ill, frightened, addicted and in need of His light and love.
This is my reason for posting this particular painting. There is a golden light surrounding this winged angel just as His golden light is healing my soul.
I pray for peace within and without........
Amy Tuso ~ Simply An Artist Filled With Love, Light and Gratitude